Foundations Middle School Spanish Prep – Part I
- Classroom Resources
- Day 1:
- Day 1 Powerpoint
- Foundations Day 1 Culture Images
- Greetings and Goodbyes Student Resource Page
- Spanish Greetings Visual
- Greetings and Goodbyes Flashcards
- Day 1 Flashcards Greetings and Goodbyes
- DAY 1 Greetings and Goodbyes Flashcards – PDF
- Greetings and Goodbyes Practica I
- Greetings and Goodbyes Practica II
- Video Recording Day 1 password: Practica2425
- Day 2:
- Day 2 Power Point
- Day 2 Culture Images
- Student Resource Page Cardinal #’s (TENER & SER)
- Day 2 Numbers-0-10-and-SER-Flashcards
- Day 2 Flashcards Number 0-15
- Day 2 Flashcards Numbers 0-15 PDF
- Day 2 Numbers-0-10-and-SER-Practica-II
- Day 2 Numbers-0-10-and-SER-Practica-III
- Day 2 Numbers-0-10-and-SER-Practica-III
- Day 2 Numbers-11-15-HAY-TENER-in-Singular-Practica-I
- Day 2 Numbers-11-15-HAY-TENER-in-Singular-Practica-III
- Video Recording Day 2 password: Practica2425
- Day 3:
- Day 3 Powerpoint
- Day 3 Culture Images
- Day 3 SRP El Alfabeto Student-Resource-Page (4)
- Student Resource Page Alfabeto
- Day 3 Flashcards – The Alphabet – visual
- Day 3 El Alfabeto with Names
- Day 3 Flashcards – The Alphabet
- Day 3 El-Alfabeto-Prueba
- Alfabeto Loter¡a
- Video Recording Day 3 password: Practica2425
- Day 4:
- Day 4 Powerpoint
- Foundations.Day 4 Culture Images
- Day 4 Flashcards Classroom Subjects
- Day 4 Classroom Subjects Visual Flashcards PDF
- Student Resource Page – School Subjects and Gustar
- Day 4 School Subjects and Gustar Flashcards
- Day 4 BINGO Classroom Subjects
- Video Recording Day 4 password: Practica2425
- Day 5:
- Day 6:
- Day 7:
- Day 8:
- Day 8 Powerpoint
- Foundations.Day 8 Culture Images
- Tขmalo review
- VIDEO: Day 8 (password: Practica2425)